Anemia causes and detection methods

 Anemia causes and detection methods

Anemia is a major complication of kidney disease, and anemia is also a common cause of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Anemia check first is to detect iron metabolism, iron metabolism is an important indicator of anemia, iron metabolism can check the body's iron content.
Iron deficiency is an important reason for anemia, iron is also the main element of red blood cells, so do iron metabolism test, you can know in detail how much body of iron in the body, to correct anemia played a crucial role.
Folic acid and B12, also belong to the main elements of erythropoiesis, detection of folic acid and B12 can be an intuitive understanding of the patient's anemia indicators, supplemented with folic acid and B12 can be a great help to patients with anemia.



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