Chinese Enema Method on Kidney Disease

Chinese enema method has long history. Based on historical records, this therapy has been used since Han Dynasty. It is a method to treat various diseases, which is similar to western colon dialysis. It is an effective treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
How does Chinese enema work on kidney disease?
The medical fluid or powders are chosen according to different kinds of kidney diseases. Then, injecting the fluids into the gastrointestinal tract through the anal tube. The inserting depth is determined by the location of lesions, and generally ranges from 10-30mm. The amount of the medical fluid and its retention time should be adjusted according to the severity of kidney disease. For those who have End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), 200-500ml is enough and keeping the medical fluid inside the gastrointestinal tract for 2-3 hours is right.
What are the effects of Chinese enema method on kidney disease?
On one hand, this therapy can stimulate the intestinal mucosa and increase the permeability of capillaries, and promote the metabolism of nitrogen flow out the body with intestinal secretions. This can reduce the burden of kidneys, which have failed to filter wastes and toxins adequately.
On the other hand, Enema Therapy can accelerate food scraps discharge and inhibit the growth of intestinal bacteria also can slow the process of Chronic Kidney Failure. Some of them who have severe kidney failure can live up to 8 months, and those who have moderate Kidney Failure can live at least one more year.
What Chinese medicines are used in Enema Therapy?
Enema therapy is mainly composed by raw rhubarb, dandelion, raw oysters, gun aconite root, rhizoma and costus root. All of the above Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) can promote the blood circulation and relieve the damage of nephrons to improve the renal function and then remit the clinical symptoms.
Not only Enema Therapy but also Foot Bath and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are natural and effective methods for treating kidney disease.



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