Cranberry Benefits for Kidney Disease

One of the causes of kidney disease or eventual kidney failure is the spreading of a serious urinary tract infection. This infection can spread from the urinary tract into kidneys, leading to serious complications, often irreparable and life threatening.

Improve your kidneys by taking western herbs that help to detoxify them. These include cranberry, corn silk, celery, buchu, parsley, dandelion, red clover, uva ursi and juniper berries.

Cranberry has proven to be effective in maintaining optimal urinary tract health, and contributes to healthy kidney function.

The use of cranberry in both juice and dried form is likely the most commonly known natural remedy for treating and preventing kidney problems. Cranberry fruits can treat bladder and kidney diseases, as well as prevent urinary tract and kidney infections. Several major studies in humans found that the acidic properties of cranberries could prevent escherichia coli, that causes urinary-tract infections from attaching itself to the urinary tract walls, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. To improve kidney function and prevent infections, the recommended amount of cranberry juice for optimum kidney health ranges from 3 to 4 cups per day consuming 1 ½ ounces of fresh or frozen cranberries daily, or taking 300 to 400mg of cranberry capsules per day for six doses.

Take these herbs only after consulting your doctor, especially if you are already taking prescription drugs or other conventional treatments for your condition.



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