Uva Ursi Benefits for the Treatment of PKD.

Polycystic kidney disease, also known as PKD, is a genetic condition that involves the growth of multiple cysts in the kidneys. If these cysts grow, they can cause reduced kidney function, medical problems and kidney failure. The disease is not curable, but it can be treated. Herbs may ease some symptoms, but consult your doctor before adding any herbs to your treatment plan. Uva Ursi is one kind of herbs benefit for the treatment of PKD.

The leaves of the herb uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), also called bearberry or rockberry, is an herbal remedy that has been used to treat urinary tract and bladder infections due to its natural antibacterial properties. Through test tube and animal testing, researchers have discovered that uva ursi herbs contain the antibacterial chemicals hydroquinone and arbutin, as well as astringent tannins that shrink mucous membranes in the urinary system, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. It also acts as a diuretic. Individuals with PKD may have chronic urinary tract infections, and the antibacterial properties of this herb make it an effective remedy for these infections. Urinary tract infections can spread to the cysts in the kidneys, so prompt medical attention is necessary if you have symptoms of an infection.

uva ursi is used today to help in curing kidney- and urinary-related infections, as well as cystitis. In even moderate doses, uva ursi can be toxic and isn't recommended for children, but the dried leaves are typically crushed and made into 400 to 800mg capsules that are taken in doses of 2 to 4g per day. There is no official dosage of uva ursi, but for urinary tract infections, 10 g of uva ursi leaf is typically used.

Before using this herb, ask your doctor if it is safe for you to consume.



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