Coco Cola for Kidney Disease Patients

Coco cola are common drinks in our daily life. Many people like to drink it. While for kidney disease, they should stay away from it because of the consumption.
The substance of coco cola includes caffeine which may cause some healthy problem. If patients suffer from some symptoms, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and other symptoms, you had better control the intake of coco cola.
Caffeine has the effect of raising blood pressure and increase mental stress. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should avoid drinking coco cola.
Phosphorus is more likely to accumulate in the blood, pulling more calcium from the bone, causing renal bone disease like osteoporosis. Coco cola can aggravate the disease, as coco cola could affect the absorption of calcium.
In addition, coco cola may increase the burden of kidneys. Thus patients with kidney disease should limit the intake of these drinks. If you still have high level of kidney function or your lesion is not severe, you could consume some of them. At the same time take body test as often as possible in regularly in case of the aggravation.



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