Diet for Membranous Nephropathy

Membranous nephropathy is very serious which brings great harm to patients. So patients should control the disease as soon as possible. But in the process of treatment, diet nursing is very important, which is helpful to control the disease.
Avoid protein.
If you get membranous nephropathy, you should take in protein according to your condition. The intake of protein should be less than 20g to 40g which would reduce the burden of kidneys and avoid a great amount of protein accumulating in the body.
Avoid salt.
If membranous nephropathy patients have edema, you should control the intake of salt. More intake of salt would damage patients’kidneys and decrease
urinary function which would aggravate edema and increase blood volume. You are suggested that the intake of salt should be less than 4g per day.
Avoid high fat food.
Membranous nephropathy patients have high blood pressure and anemia. Excessive intake of fat is bad for the condition of patients. Fat can strengthen arteriosclerosis and stop hematopoiesis, so patients should eat less animal organ rich in potassium.
Avoid purine food.
Patients should eat less spinage,celery and bean food which contains more purine. When renal function is damaged, the function of discharge metabolites decrease which make purine accumulate and strengthen kidney burden, thus making the disease more worse.
Patients with membranous nephropathy should have a good diet habit. Good diet habits is helpful to the condition of patients.



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