Kidney Disease Patients Should be Cautious to Eat Banana

Banana, soft and succulent, tastes sweet and delicious. The elderly like it very much. It is rich in many vitamins, such as radish element, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin P and so on.
In addition, it contains trace element potassium which can reduce blood pressure.
Therefore, it is very suitable for patients with high blood pressure.
However, it is rich in sodium. For patients with poor renal function, eating too many bananas is equal to eating too much salt. Eating too many bananas could increase the burden of kidney, delay the improvement of the lesions, and cause aggravation. Therefore, although banana is rich in nutrition, kidney patients should be more cautious to eat it.
In addition, kidney patients should also pay attention to other aspects in diet.
Patients with edema, high blood pressure and heart failure, should have low-salt or salt-free diet. Eat light, no alcohol or spicy food. Eat less greasy food or food containing too much animal protein, such as fat meat, shrimp, crab, and so on.
Avoid eating beans and their products, such as tofu, bean sprout, and bean flour.



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