Reasonable Diet of IGA Nephritis

IgA nephropathy indicates that in the glomerular mesangial area, it is mainly based on IgA or IgA deposition. It is the primary immunotactoid glomerulopathy with or without other immune globulins depositing in the glomerular mesangial area. It clinically manifests the repeated attack of gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. It can be accompanied by the proteinuria in varying degrees. Some patients have the high blood pressure or renal insufficiency.
While what is the reasonable diet of IGA nephritis?
1. The provide of protein
The diet of IgA nephropathy should be confirm the intake of protein based on the degree of renal function damage. The patients, who have long term course of disease and the damage of the kidney is not serious, can eat the protein without close restraint. But they should not eat more than 1g per kilogram weight daily. Good protein should above 50%.
2. The provision of energy
Some patients are limited to eat less protein, their provision of energy are based on carbohydrate and fat. The energy supply should be decided by labour intensify.
3. Limit the intake of sodium salt
Give the patients poor salt, no salt diet respectively according to wether they have high blood pressure or edema. If they have severe edema and high blood pressure, they should control the intake of sodium salt below 2g per day, even give them no salt. The best is to give them poor salt. At the same time, the patients should also don’t eat other saline taste foods, sugar beverages and thrill foods.
4. Limit the intake of potassic.

If IgA patients are oliguria (the urine volume is less than 1000ml per day), then they should limit the intake of high potassium foods, such as kelp, nori, pluck, banana, citrus, potato, tomato, pumpkin, tea, soy sauce and aginomoto.
5. The intake of water
IgA kidney patients should drink more water or beverage, if without special circumstances, for example, the doctor told them not to drink more water. If IgA nephropathy further develops to be renal insufficiency, the uremia, the patients should not only limit the protein severely, but also limit the intake of water severely.
6. Supply the vitamins
Every IgA patient should take enough vitamins in daily diet, especially vitamin C. Because long term IgA nephritis patients can be anemia. Taking enough vitamin C can increase the absorb of the ferric, at the same time, the patients should supply more foods full of vitamin B and folic acid to redress anemia.
If the IGA Nephritis patients do like the things above, they can keep or even improve their state of the illness.



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