What is Urinary Occult Blood

Many people have heard about the urinary occult blood, but many patients do not know exactly what is urinary occult blood. Specialists point out that urinary occult blood can do great harm to the fitness, so patients should learn about the disease and treat positively earlier. While what is urinary occult blood in detail?
Urinary occult blood, also known as urine occult blood, is reflected by the test paper positively to be hemoglobin and myohemoglobin. There are many red blood cells in the urine, which we call it hematuresis. The urine of normal people have no red blood cells or sometimes have microscale red blood cells, that is to say, there are 0 to 2 in the view of per high power lens. There are transient microscale red blood cells in the urine after fierce exercises, heaby physical labour or standing for a long time. This situation is normal, but it has no clinical significance.
For the patients who have positive urine occult blood and meanwhile have the albumen, we should first take into consideration the kidney diseases and the hemorrhagic disorders and can move forward a single step to make kidney function test. For example, patients who have feminine urine occult blood should go to the junior college related to check out the bleeding part and its character. It is generally acknowledged that the urethral bleeding because the red blood cells are not destroyed, so the urine occult blood can be not obvious.



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