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Lifestyle changes for acture kidney failure patients

During your recovery from acute kidney failure, your doctor may recommend a special diet to help support your kidneys and limit the work they must do. Your doctor may refer you to a dietitian who can analyze your current diet and suggest ways to make your diet easier on your kidneys. Depending on your situation, your dietitian may recommend that you: Choose lower potassium foods. Your dietitian may recommend that you choose lower  potassium foods . High-potassium foods include bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach and tomatoes. Examples of low-potassium foods include apples, cabbage, green beans, grapes and strawberries. Avoid products with added salt. Lower the amount of sodium you eat each day by avoiding products with added salt, including many convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, canned soups and fast foods. Other foods with added salt include salty snack foods, canned vegetables, and processed meats and cheeses. Limit phosphorus. Phosphorus is a mineral found

What aspects does a IgA patient should pay attention in daily life?

IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger's disease, is a kidney disease that occurs when an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA) lodges in your kidneys. This results in local inflammation that, over time, may hamper your kidneys' ability to filter waste, excess water and electrolytes from your blood. Kidney damage may be indicated by blood and protein in your urine, high blood pressure and swollen feet. IgA nephropathy usually progresses slowly over many years, but the course of the disease in each person is uncertain. Some people leak blood in their urine without developing problems, some eventually achieve complete remission, and others develop  end-stage kidney failure . Regular check on the urine and kidney function to monitor the progress of your disease. Avoid infection. Most of the IgA patients can get a serious situation after getting infection. If the patients are weak then they need to do some exercise to build up and increase the immune system. Keep a good

Does back pain suggested kidney problems?

At some point in your life, you will probably experience some sort of back pain. Maybe you’ll lift something heavy or fall on the sidewalk, or even develop a condition that puts a strain on your back. No matter what the cause is, back pain is serious and may lead to surgery if not tended to properly. If you’ve suffered from back pain in the past or want to know how to prevent back pain in the future, this guide is for you. The symptoms of back pain will vary from person to person, depending on what cause of pain is. The general symptoms that are commonly experienced are: Sharp pains, Stiffness, Inability to stand up straight, Pain that radiates down through the legs, Aching muscles, Difficulty moving your back or having a limited range of motion Causes There are two types of back pain: chronic and acute. Chronic back pain is pain that is constant or goes away briefly and reoccurs. How To Care For Your Back Your doctor will coach you on the best way to treat your back, de

How is a kidney-friendly diet different?

When your kidneys are not working as well as they should, waste and fluid build up in your body. Over time, the waste and extra fluid can cause heart, bone and other health problems. A kidney-friendly meal plan limits how much of certain minerals and fluid you eat and drink. This can help keep the waste and fluid from building up and causing problems. How strict your meal plan should be depends on your stage of kidney disease. In the early stages of kidney disease, you may have little or no limits on what you eat and drink. As your kidney disease gets worse, your doctor may recommend that you limit: Potassium Potassium is a mineral found in almost all foods. Your body needs some potassium to make your muscles work, but too much potassium can be dangerous. When your kidneys are not working well, your potassium level may be too high or too low. Having too much or too little potassium can cause muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat and muscle weakness. Many people with kidney dise

Healthy Eating for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

You need to have a “kidney-friendly” meal plan when you have chronic kidney disease. Watching what you eat and drink will help you stay healthier. This section of our website is for people who have kidney disease but are not on dialysis. It describes a kidney-friendly diet and why it is important. What you eat affects your health. Maintaining a healthy weight and following a balanced meal plan that is low in salt can help you control your blood pressure. If you have diabetes, your meal plan is also important in controlling your blood sugar. Controlling  high blood pressure  and diabetes may also help slow down kidney disease. A kidney-friendly diet may also help. It limits certain minerals in the foods you eat. This helps keep waste from building up in your blood and may help prevent other health problems. Protein Protein is one of the building blocks of your body. Your body needs protein to grow, heal and stay healthy. Having too little protein can cause your skin, hair and

Chinese Medicine to lower the High Creatinine

In order to get rid of the problems that the high creatinine patients face and to save the patients’ lives many experts and doctors then to pay more attention to the traditional Chinese medicine. The research shows that some active factors in the   traditional Chinese medicine   can enlarge the blood vessel and increase the blood volume through the kidney. In this way the ischemia oxygen deficit condition can be improved and remove the stress reaction of the damaged cells. The traditional Chinese medicine can have a function of anti-inflammatory which can kill the Renal toxic factors. What is more the traditional Chinese medicine can degrade the extracellular matrix which can damage the renal inherent cells. The treatment for the high creatinine are making new break through. Though ten years’ experience the experts have developed a treatment which is different from dialysis and kidney transplant. The traditional Chinese medicine can treat the symptoms and the kidney together.

Is there other way to lower the creatinine except dialysis and kidney transplant?

Nowadays the most common ways to treat high creatinine are dialysis and kidney transplant. But the two ways have arose the doubt by the experts to lower the creatinine. There are a lot of difficulties to choose a proper kidney donor and the big expanse. What is more the high risk of the surgery and the protection after the surgery is very important. Compared with kidney transplant dialysis the living quality is higher. But it is a kind of treatment that can only take place the function of the kidney but not lower the high creatinine from the root causes. After kidney transplant, the patients can avoid the suffering of dialysis and do not need to pay too much attention to the diet. And also some patients even can go back to work. But these things can not easily be achieved. All the efforts of the surgery will be in vain once things happen below. ● The precondition is the patients physical condition. In order to make the surgery success the doctor will check the patient’s conditio

Humifuse euphorbia herb

Annual herb, 10-15cm high, containing white latex; root slim, usually not branched; stem slim, generally hairless, crawling, generally branched from basal part, purplish red. Simple leaf opposite, elliptic, 5-10mm long, 4-6mm wide, apex blunt and round, basal part oblique, slightly narrow, margin usually with thin saw like teeth above the middle part, green or sometimes purplish red, hairless or slightly covered with hairs. Petiole extremely short; stipule linear, generally with 3 deep lobes. Cyathium, solitary in leaf axil or the apex of lateral branches; periclinium invert conical, light red, with 4 lobes, lobe long triangular, with 4glands where curved, transversely long circular, with white petal like attachments; male flower with only 1 stamen, filament short, without perianth; female flower solitary at the centre of inflorescence, gynophore extending out of the periclinium, ovary with 3 ventricles, ovary superior, style 3, separated, stigma with 2 lobes. Capsule consisting of

Is Coriander Good for Kidney Failure Patients?

Coriander is a common vegetable in our life, a natural herb which can deal with various of discomforts. Although it is healthy and useful for some people, for kidney failure patients, they may need to avoid coriander which contains high potassium. For kidney failure patients, their kidney function is gradually reduced which will cause the electrolyte disorder in body, and the most common symptom in electrolyte is high potassium level. Because of the kidney damage, the kidneys cannot leak out the excess potassium in blood, which will cause high potassium level. There are some bad effects on kidney failure patients with high potassium level, such as hyperventilation, nausea and changes in pulse rate. Besides, the high potassium level will also attack the heart, or even cause death. So for kidney failure patients, they should firmly control their high potassium level. High potassium level is a common symptom for kidney failure patients, but it doesn’t mean that all the kidney fai

Pistachios are Bad for CKD Patients

Pistachios are originated from Iraq, Iran and Syria. Pistachios are rich in vitamin E, which has the effect of anti-aging and strengthening one’s physique. But to chronic kidney disease patients, they had better not eat pistachios. Because there are many substances of pistachios that are bad to CKD patients. Such as: 1. Protein Like many nuts, pistachios are high in protein. A 1-oz serving of dry roasted pistachios provides 6g of protein. Although protein is a necessary nutrients, chronic kidney disease patients are often suggested to limit the intake of this nutrient. 2. Potassium Pistachios are also rich in potassium. Foods that contain high amount of this mineral are beneficial for all human beings, excepts for those who are suffering from any kind of kidney problems. 3. Phosphorus Pistachios are rich in phosphorus, a mineral needed for building healthy bones, as well as keeping other parts of human body healthy. Normally functioning kidneys can remove excess phosphorus in the blo

Can CKD Patients Eat Sandwiches?

Sandwich is a kind of fast food popular in USA. Most Americans take sandwich as breakfast meal. They will place one or more types of food on or between slices of bread, or more generally any dish wherein two or more pieces of bread serve as a container or wrapper for some other food. Sandwiches are a widely popular type of lunch food, typically taken to work, school, or picnics. But is it suitable for CKD patients to eat sandwiches? CKD patients should pay more attention to their diet. Or they will suffer from chronic renal insufficiency, renal failure, even end stage renal failure (ESRF). With the aggravation of the disease, many symptoms and complications will appear and affect patients’ body organs and systems. Sandwiches is mainly composed of 2 slices of bread, a few rashers of meat, cheese and all kinds of spices and so on. It is very popular in western countries. It has special taste for the different ingredients. But it is not good to chronic kidney disease patients.

Eating Tips for Cruises

Cruises can be fun, but a bit like a floating Las Vegas as far as eating goes. Buffet-style food is often available from morning until night, even 24 hours a day. And temptation is all around, with no portion control. To combat this situation, there are several aspects you should aware: 1.Select from the healthy areas of the buffet where you’ll find fruits, vegetables and salads. Most fruit and vegetable options are either low-protein or protein-free. If you are on a low-potassium diet, select only the fruits and vegetables you know are low in potassium, and keep serving sizes moderate. 2.Include a good protein source with each meal, but try to avoid items with breading or sauces that may be salty. 3.When you book your cruise, let them know your dietary needs. Many cruise lines are willing to prepare foods for special needs. Low-sodium meals may be available. 4.Pack your own kidney-friendly snacks to eat between meals or ask for items you know are kidney-friendly. If you

Coco Cola for Kidney Disease Patients

Coco cola are common drinks in our daily life. Many people like to drink it. While for kidney disease, they should stay away from it because of the consumption. The substance of coco cola includes caffeine which may cause some healthy problem. If patients suffer from some symptoms, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and other symptoms, you had better control the intake of coco cola. Caffeine has the effect of raising blood pressure and increase mental stress. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should avoid drinking coco cola. Phosphorus is more likely to accumulate in the blood, pulling more calcium from the bone, causing renal bone disease like osteoporosis. Coco cola can aggravate the disease, as coco cola could affect the absorption of calcium. In addition, coco cola may increase the burden of kidneys. Thus patients with kidney disease should limit the intake of these drinks. If you still have high level of kidney function or your lesion is not severe, you

Dietary Therapy for Renal Failure Patients

Renal failure can’t be cured, and there are many treatments for renal failure. Renal failure patients have to pay more attention to their lesions and symptoms. There are several dietary therapy for renal failure patients to prevent the aggravation of the lesions. 1. Mulberry honey cream Renal failure patients should focus on blander, low protein, low fat, low salt and low phosphorus foods. Overeating will cause heavy burden on the kidney. Mulberry honey cream has better effect on patients with chronic renal dysfunction, insufficiency of kidney yin and insomnia. Mulberry has the effect of nourishing blood and kidney, Honey has the effect of moistening dryness and nourishing the blood. Make the cream as 100g fresh or 50g dry mulberry thickening fried and then add 250g honey to make cream. 2. Porridge made by yam, rice and date Yam has the effect of invigorating the lung and kidney. Date has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, benefit fir chronic renal failure p

Kidney Disease Patients Should be Cautious to Eat Banana

Banana, soft and succulent, tastes sweet and delicious. The elderly like it very much. It is rich in many vitamins, such as radish element, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin P and so on. In addition, it contains trace element potassium which can reduce blood pressure. Therefore, it is very suitable for patients with high blood pressure. However, it is rich in sodium. For patients with poor renal function, eating too many bananas is equal to eating too much salt. Eating too many bananas could increase the burden of kidney, delay the improvement of the lesions, and cause aggravation. Therefore, although banana is rich in nutrition, kidney patients should be more cautious to eat it. In addition, kidney patients should also pay attention to other aspects in diet. Patients with edema, high blood pressure and heart failure, should have low-salt or salt-free diet. Eat light, no alcohol or spicy food. Eat less greasy food or food containing too much animal protein, such as fat

Nursing Diet for PKD Patients

PKD is a kind of hereditary kidney disease, which has many symptoms such as bloody urine, abdominal mass, abdominal pain, and so on. Most patients have family history of PKD with more men than women, and patients have different symptoms. Experts remind PKD patients that diet determines the body condition of patients. Then how should PKD patients eat? PKD patients should do as following: Don’t drink coffee. Don’t eat drugs with renal toxicity. Don’t eat fermented foods: especially bacteria fermented foods, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs, and so on. Avoid eating food which speeds up growth of cyst. Don’t eat chocolate. Don’t eat animal innards kind of foods, especially livers of animals. Metabolic toxins are left in animal innards after they are slaughtered, and it would increase the burden of kidney if PKD patients eat these foods. Don’t drink alcohol or beverages. Alcohol has strong stimulation to kidney, stimulates activity of polycystic protein and speeds u

Medicines to treat Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus is autoimmune disease, damaging several systems and organs of the body, such as skin, joints, heart, kidney, central nervous system and blood system. Patients will suffer from many symptoms. There are also various kinds of medicines to treat the disease. 1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs These drugs, such as aspirin, indometacin and fenbid, are commonly used in treating the mild symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. There are many side effects of the drugs, some of which are easily confused with the symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. But some of the damage could be cured. 2. Antimalarial drugs These drugs like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are used to control the systemic symptoms, rash, muscle pain and joint pain. Generally, these drugs have a better tolerance. But the main side effects are eyes toxicity. If patients take those pills, they should check the eyes before or after the treatment for three months. 3. Glucocorti

What Should Patients with Kidney Disease Eat in Summer?

In summer, the weather is much hoter than before, some season diseases is rising to occur. So chronic kidney disease and uremia patients should avoid going to crowd. For kidney disease patients, proper nutrition is just one part of treatment of kidney disease, diet should run through all the disease course. In summer, patients with kidney disease should pay attention to the following two points. Control the intake of salt and water to avoid worsening the disease. Kidney is one of the important organs of body, which undertake some heavy responsibility of adjusting electrolyte and acid-base balance. In summer, people drink a great amount of water which is not correct for kidney disease patients. Experts suggest that the intake of water should be controlled by testing the weight and blood pressure. The normal condition is that no edema, no thirsty and normal high blood pressure. Besides, people should control the intake of salt, which is very important for patients with kidney di

How Should Hemodialysis Patients Eat?

Increase the intake of protein. Some protein would lose with the dialysis fluid. So patients should increase the intake of high quality protein, such as milk,lean meat,fish. In order to guarantee protein can make effective function, you should supply enough heat. Increase the intake of calcium. Patients with hemodialysis should supply calcium 1000mg to 1500mg everyday. Control the intake of potassium. Potassium of hemodialysis patients may increase, which would lead to serious arrhythmia,even cardiac arrest. Therefore, patients shouldn’t eat high potassium food, such as apples,purples,bananas,peanuts,etc. besides, patients are not allowed to eat salty food. In order to decrease the amount of potassium in diet, you can fry it after boiling. Control the intake of phosphorus. There are some food low in phosphorus, such as rice,noodles,bread,milk and fish. Patients should eat less food high in phosphorus, such as kelp, dried fish and skim milk. Control the intake of water. The i

Patients with Glomerulonephritis Should Pay Attention to Rest.

Glomerulonephritis is a common disease in the daily life which is easy to treat. Patients should pay attention to the disease even it’s not serious. You should have a good rest which is good for your treatment. You should do some other nursing in the daily life. Have a good rest. If the patients’ condition is very serious, you had better have a good rest on bed. If it is not serious, you should keep away from physical labour. Prevent infection positively and remove infection. When occurring high blood pressure, you should have a treatment to reduce pressure. Build confidence to treat the disease and cooperate with doctor. You should be optimistic about life. Emotion is very important for patients to fight against the disease. Form a balanced diet. Patients should pay attention to your diet and arrange the intake of nutrition properly. Control the blood pressure. Controlling high blood pressure is very important for patients with glomerulonephritis. The blood pressure of pa

How to Choose Fruit Good for Kidney Disease Patients?

The constitution of kidney disease patients is special, if you eat wrong food, it will worsen the condition and increase the risk of complications. Therefore, not all the fruit is suitable for patients with kidney disease. There are some fruit good for patients. If patients have symptoms of fever, you should eat more pears and oranges. Fever patients sweat more, and pears and oranges contain enough water and potassium, which is good for patients with fever. If the constitution belongs to dryness-heat type, you should eat pears, bananas and watermelons. It’s not suitable to eat oranges and grapes. If patients occur heart failure, edema and other serious symptoms, you can’t eat fruit containing more water, such as watermelon,pears and Pineapples. If you suffer from acute nephritis and occur renal failure and edema, you should avoid salt and bananas which cantain more salt that can strengthen edema and increase the burden of kidneys and heart. Patients with renal failure shou

What Should Patients with Glomerulonephritis Eat?

With the increasing of life standard, the people getting disease are more and more. Glomerulonephritis is a common kidney disease. Many patients suffering from the disease don’t know how to nurse themselves,especially on diet. Eating wrong food may worse the disease. So patients with glomerulonephritis should pay more attention to the diet. Reducing burden on diet is very helpful to the treatment of kidney disease. Patients with edema and high blood pressure should follow no salt or low salt diet. Patients with azotemia should take 0.5g high quality protein per kg of body weight. Patients also should control the intake of water which should be decided according to the amount of urine. Patients should eat more vegetables and fruit rich in vitamin C, such as sweet pepper, rape,tomatoes and strawberry. Enough vitamin C is good for the recovery of nephritis. Patients should limit the intake of protein and phosphorus. Patients with edema and high blood pressure should limit the i

Diet for Membranous Nephropathy

Membranous nephropathy is very serious which brings great harm to patients. So patients should control the disease as soon as possible. But in the process of treatment, diet nursing is very important, which is helpful to control the disease. Avoid protein. If you get membranous nephropathy, you should take in protein according to your condition. The intake of protein should be less than 20g to 40g which would reduce the burden of kidneys and avoid a great amount of protein accumulating in the body. Avoid salt. If membranous nephropathy patients have edema, you should control the intake of salt. More intake of salt would damage patients’kidneys and decrease urinary function which would aggravate edema and increase blood volume. You are suggested that the intake of salt should be less than 4g per day. Avoid high fat food. Membranous nephropathy patients have high blood pressure and anemia. Excessive intake of fat is bad for the condition of patients. Fat can strengthen a

Diet for Renal Failure Patients

Drink water properly The amount of water you take should depend on the detailed condition. If there is edema, hypertension and heart failure, you should control the intake of water. The dialysis patients also should control the intake of water to keep away from edema, heart failure. High heat diet The heat you take every day should be more than 30 kilocalorie per kilogram of body weight. Thin patients should increase the intake of heat, and the fat patients should reduce the intake of heat. In order to get enough heat, you should eat more vegetable oil and sugar. If you feel hungry, you can eat apples,sweet potato,potato. If renal failure is caused by diabetes, you should control the intake of sugar. Supply mineral substance properly. Many renal failure patients have electrolyte imbalance more or less, such as low calcium,high potassium and high phosphorus. In the process of taking medicine, you should adjust it according to the blood test. Patients with edema,high blood p

Could patients with Nephrotic Syndrome Eat the Strawberry?

The strawberries have a beautiful appearance, good taste, smell fragrant attractive, and lots of juice.what’s more, the strawberries contain high nutritional value with lots of vitamin. The strawberries have the advantage of helping to digest. For the patients with the nephrotic syndrome, the strawberries can benefit to them. But if patients have the symptom of edema, they should eat the strawberries under the doctor’s guidance. It’s researched that eating too much strawberries may have the risk of damaging the kidneys, especially the patients with nephrotic syndrome. Some farmers will take some measures,such as use swelling agent too much, to sell the strawberries in advance and gain the best economic benefit. And the swelling agent will store in the strawberry patients may eat, which can do great harm to human body. But how to know whether the strawberry patients buy is use large amount of swelling agent? The strawberries which use large amount of swelling agent have the mor

Nursing for Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

Patients with diabetic nephropathy should pay more attention to the nursing care in the daily life. There are some nursing methods for patients with diabetic nephropathy. Drink more water. Normal person should drink water about 1500 to 2000ml every day, which is good for metabolism and discharge of waste. Limit the intake of protein properly. Choose high quality protein as possible as you can. Control the intake of foods rich in protein, which should be controlled between 0.6 to 0.8g/kg every day. Control the intake of sugar properly. High blood sugar is easy to cause lesion of diabetic nephropathy. It is very important for patients to control the blood pressure which should be controlled under 130/80mmhg. Don’t take medicine damaged to kidneys. Give up smoking which is bad for health. Many diseases are related to smoking and may cause some complications, diabetic nephropathy is no exception. Smoking can worsen the disease, so patients should give up smoking. Limit the i

Diet Nursing for Patients with High Creatinine Level

You should have a timely treatment if you get high creatinine, or it will cause complications to worsen the disease. But what should patients with high level pay attention to on diet? Limit the intake of salt. Patients in Kidney failure compensatory period and azotemia period have high creatinine level and occur some light clinic symptom, so you can control the intake of salt according to the condition of high blood pressure and edema. Supply protein. Pay attention to the intake of protein, and a great amount of protein would increase the burden of kidneys, then the creatinine level would increase. But if you don’t take protein, it will lead to anemia. So you should take some high quality low protein, such as eggs, lean meat and fish. Limit the intake of fat. Don’t eat animal organs and stimulate foods, such as coffee, strong tea and beer. Control the intake of fat. Much intake of fat would increase the burden of kidneys. Diet nursing is also very important for patient

Diet for Hypertensive Nephropathy

Hypertensive nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease seriously threatening to patients’ health. Many patients received treatment, but they don’t not pay attention to their diet in the daily life, which causes to worsen the disease. What patients with hypertension nephropathy should do in diet to control the disease? Diet is one of the treatment to hypertensive nephropathy. And good habits would control disease well. When patients occur edema and hypertension, patients with hypertensive nephropathy should pay attention to limit the intake of salt which should gradually decrease to less than 6g. Decreasing the intake of salt contributes to reduce blood pressure and decrease the water and salt retention. Patients should control the supplement of heat which should depend on the disease of patients. Because patients occur lipid metabolism disturbance, decreasing the intake of fat is good for controlling the supplement of heat, but not limit the intake of fat. Patients should pay

How to Look After Your Kidneys?

Everybody knows that the functioning of the Kidney organs are very important for our body. Even many medications come with reminders that if taken without proper care they can have a poor effect on the kidney function. There are some tips for protecting kidneys. Stay away from sugars, sodas and artificial sweeteners, processed salty foods and the bad trans fats. Instead, change to natural salt and good fats such as butter from raw cream, olive oil and organic coconut oil. Stevia is a safe replacement for sugar. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (particularly the latter) together with grass fed beef and free range chicken and eggs. If you have high blood pressure, follow good lifestyle advice about weight, exercise and stress, take prescribed medication and have your blood pressure checked regularly. Uncontrolled hypertension can speed up the natural course of any underlying kidney disease. If you have diabetes, make sure that your blood sugar is kept under control. Main