No Salt and Less Water are not Recommended for Renal Failure Patients

Renal failure occurs due to damage to the functions of kidneys that lead to failure of the normal filtration process. This could be sudden or rapid in the beginning, in case of acute renal injury or damage or acute renal failure. Renal failure may also occur due to long term damage to the kidney functions leading to chronic renal failure.

Edema is one of symptoms of renal failure. Lots of renal failure patients have this kind of misunderstanding on a diet that having salt or water will appear edema and aggravate the condition of illness. Therefore many patients have no salt and less water. While this improper eating habit is incorrect and shouldn’t be recommended which even can deteriorate kidney failure.

Although water and salt are directly related to edema, it is wrong for patients to have no salt and less water for decreasing the burden of kidney. Not all of the patients should restrict the taking of salt and water. The restriction of salt and water is necessary for chronic renal failure patients with high blood pressure, edema and less urine. If these patients take more salt and water, the intakes can’t be expelled so as to cause edema or cardiopulmonary failure.

In a word, it is very important for chronic renal failure patients with high blood pressure, edema and less urine to control the taking of salt and water. No salt and less water are not recommended for all renal failure patients.



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