What Does Low Urine Creatinine Level Mean?

A low level of urine creatinine is usually not associated with any major health problems. Drinking plenty of water is the most common factor that can lower the level of creatinine in urine. Water dilutes the urine, and causes the creatinine level to fall. In general, the normal range for urine creatinine levels is 500 to 2000 mg/day. The level of creatinine in blood is considered more important than its level in the urine. Constant or stable blood creatinine level is considered a sign that the kidneys are functioning properly.
The urine creatinine level is generally compared to the level of blood creatinine, in order to find out how well the kidneys are functioning. Experts are of the opinion that low urine creatinine levels are not a cause of concern, if the level of creatinine in blood is normal. The level of creatinine in blood should be more or less stable if the kidneys are functioning normally, as muscle mass does not change from day-to-day. If the level of creatinine in urine is high compared to the blood creatinine level, it can imply that the kidneys are healthy and are working efficiently. On the other hand, if the level of creatinine in urine is low, but that in blood is high, then it may indicate a problem with the kidneys.
The specific test that compares the value of urine creatinine level to the creatinine level in blood is known as creatinine clearance test. A low creatinine clearance value can be associated with kidney disorders, which can be caused by several factors, including reduced supply of blood to the kidneys, blockage of the urinary tract, cancer, and shock. Other conditions that may cause a low creatinine clearance value are, dehydration, liver disease, and heart failure. On the other hand, muscle injuries, strenuous exercises, burns, pregnancy, and hypothyroidism may increase this value.



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