Diet Nursing for Patients with High Creatinine Level

You should have a timely treatment if you get high creatinine, or it will cause complications to worsen the disease. But what should patients with high level pay attention to on diet?
Limit the intake of salt.
Patients in Kidney failure compensatory period and azotemia period have high creatinine level and occur some light clinic symptom, so you can control the intake of salt according to the condition of high blood pressure and edema.
Supply protein.
Pay attention to the intake of protein, and a great amount of protein would increase the burden of kidneys, then the creatinine level would increase. But if you don’t take protein, it will lead to anemia. So you should take some high quality low protein, such as eggs, lean meat and fish.
Limit the intake of fat.
Don’t eat animal organs and stimulate foods, such as coffee, strong tea and beer. Control the intake of fat. Much intake of fat would increase the burden of kidneys.
Diet nursing is also very important for patients with high creatinine to control the disease. You should form a good diet habit according to your own condition.



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