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At some point in your life, you will probably experience some sort of back pain. Maybe you’ll lift something heavy or fall on the sidewalk, or even develop a condition that puts a strain on your back. No matter what the cause is, back pain is serious and may lead to surgery if not tended to properly. If you’ve suffered from back pain in the past or want to know how to prevent back pain in the future, this guide is for you.
The symptoms of back pain will vary from person to person, depending on what cause of pain is. The general symptoms that are commonly experienced are:
Sharp pains, Stiffness, Inability to stand up straight, Pain that radiates down through the legs, Aching muscles, Difficulty moving your back or having a limited range of motion
There are two types of back pain: chronic and acute. Chronic back pain is pain that is constant or goes away briefly and reoccurs.
How To Care For Your Back
Your doctor will coach you on the best way to treat your back, depending on what’s causing your pain and if your pain is acute or chronic. If your back pain is chronic, you may need to visit a physical therapist, who can teach you how to strengthen the muscles in your back, as well as a massage therapist or an acupuncturist. Both of these specialists can help relieve you of some of the symptoms as well as help you to manage the pain. Wearing a back brace during the day, especially while at work, can give your back some support and putting hot and cold packs on your back at night can help the muscles and ligaments relax
If your back pain is acute, try to relax and not do anything physically strenuous for a few days. Apply hot and cold packs to your back. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Sleep on your side in a fetal position and place a pillow between your legs to take any pressure off of your back. If your back starts to feel better after a few days, gradually start your daily routine again, doing small amounts of physical activity to rebuild your strength.
If the pain is too severe, you may need to have a cortisone injection, which will reduce the inflammation of the nerves. This treatment is only temporary, however, so an alternative treatment would be surgery to partially remove a damaged disk or vertebra or to fuse two vertebrae together eliminate the pain.



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