How to Look After Your Kidneys?

Everybody knows that the functioning of the Kidney organs are very important for our body. Even many medications come with reminders that if taken without proper care they can have a poor effect on the kidney function. There are some tips for protecting kidneys.
Stay away from sugars, sodas and artificial sweeteners, processed salty foods and the bad trans fats. Instead, change to natural salt and good fats such as butter from raw cream, olive oil and organic coconut oil. Stevia is a safe replacement for sugar.
Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (particularly the latter) together with grass fed beef and free range chicken and eggs.
If you have high blood pressure, follow good lifestyle advice about weight, exercise and stress, take prescribed medication and have your blood pressure checked regularly. Uncontrolled hypertension can speed up the natural course of any underlying kidney disease. If you have diabetes, make sure that your blood sugar is kept under control.
Maintain a healthy weight and, of course, this will be more easily achieved through the other lifestyle changes that you make.
Don’t smoke and limit your alcohol to a maximum of two small drinks per day if you are male or one small drink per day if you are female.



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