Nursing Diet for PKD Patients

PKD is a kind of hereditary kidney disease, which has many symptoms such as bloody urine, abdominal mass, abdominal pain, and so on. Most patients have family history of PKD with more men than women, and patients have different symptoms. Experts remind PKD patients that diet determines the body condition of patients. Then how should PKD patients eat?
PKD patients should do as following:
Don’t drink coffee.
Don’t eat drugs with renal toxicity.
Don’t eat fermented foods: especially bacteria fermented foods, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs, and so on. Avoid eating food which speeds up growth of cyst.
Don’t eat chocolate.
Don’t eat animal innards kind of foods, especially livers of animals. Metabolic toxins are left in animal innards after they are slaughtered, and it would increase the burden of kidney if PKD patients eat these foods.
Don’t drink alcohol or beverages. Alcohol has strong stimulation to kidney, stimulates activity of polycystic protein and speeds up growth of cyst.
Don’t eat high-protein foods. No eating of beans, tofu, and other bean products. Avoid synthesis of nitrogen metabolites in body to decrease discharging capacity of kidney.



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