What Should Patients with Kidney Disease Eat in Summer?

In summer, the weather is much hoter than before, some season diseases is rising to occur. So chronic kidney disease and uremia patients should avoid going to crowd. For kidney disease patients, proper nutrition is just one part of treatment of kidney disease, diet should run through all the disease course. In summer, patients with kidney disease should pay attention to the following two points.
Control the intake of salt and water to avoid worsening the disease.
Kidney is one of the important organs of body, which undertake some heavy responsibility of adjusting electrolyte and acid-base balance. In summer, people drink a great amount of water which is not correct for kidney disease patients. Experts suggest that the intake of water should be controlled by testing the weight and blood pressure. The normal condition is that no edema, no thirsty and normal high blood pressure.
Besides, people should control the intake of salt, which is very important for patients with kidney disease. Excessive intake of salt would increase the burden of kidneys which is not good for controlling the condition. Therefore, patients should take in salt no more than 6g everyday. For patients with high blood pressure, they should take in salt 3g everyday.
Take in protein properly.
For patients with chronic kidney disease and uremia, proper diet is necessary. Patients with peritoneal dialysis should avoid eating high phosphorus food and limit the intake of sweet and fat. Proper protein is necessary. Peritoneal dialysis patients should take in high quality protein, such as fish,lean meat,milk and eggs, eat less vegetable protein, such as beans and cereals.



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