Causes of Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal parenchyma, calyces, and pelvis. It is commonly caused by bacterial infection that has spread up the urinary tract or traveled through the bloodstream to the kidneys. In other words, pyelitis together with nephritis is collectively known as pyelonephritis. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to pyonephrosis, urosepsis, kidney failure and even death.
Why people suffer it? It’s reported that there are pathogens antigen in nephropyelitis patients kidney scar tissue, which show that autoimmune kidney damage is one of inflammatory reasons. Following are the details:
First, Pathogenic bacterium.
The most commonly seen pathogenic bacterium is escherichia coli, then vice escherichia coli, proteus and so on.
Second, The routes of infection.
One is ascending route, due to low immunity, the bacteria invades mucous membrane renal pelvis, then lead to inflammation, at last invade renal parenchyma.
Two is blood infection. The bacteria intrusion from the focus of body to blood, finally kidney, as a result, inflammation appear in pelvis.
Three is lymphatic infection.
Finally, the direct infection, namely when wounds or the organ are near the kidney suffer infections, bacteria can invade kidney, then trigger inflammation.
Nephropyelitis is the inflammation of renal pelvis, and mostly caused by bacteria infections, usually along with urinary tract inflammation.
Risk is increased in the following situations:
Mechanical: any structural abnormalities in the urinary tract, vesicoureteral reflux
1.kidney stones, urinary tract catheterization, ureteral stents or drainage procedures, pregnancy, neurogenic bladder and prostate disease.
2. Constitutional: diabetes mellitus, immunocompromised states
3 .Behavioral: change in sexual partner within the last year, spermicide use
4. Positive family history, close family members with frequent urinary tract infections will also cause pyelonephritis.



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